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Loin Girders

A passionate orthodox Christian man's occasional blog to support those who stand firm. Gird your loins, noble warriors for Christ.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Happy New Year, All.

My conversation with a pacifist was wonderful. He was quite articulate and not too dismissive of conservative points of view. I posed for him a deeply mysterious problem. In his world, there is no such thing as an intelligent conservative, I believe. So, I was a curiosity. I think over nine correspondences, we communicated slightly. I was changed by it, because his conversation caused me to be especially attentive to Dennis Prager's show as I drove home for lunch. Dennis had a caller who was BOTH a traditional Christian who would not compromise the scripture and a gay man. Dennis, with his enormous heart and deep spiritual insight, identified the man as a true seeker after truth in a death struggle with God. He saluted him as a "truly great man" because he saw the conflict but rather than reject his religion, his faith, though challenged, was deepened. This was one of the issues I had touched on with Dan Trabue, my Louisville journalist liberal friend. I had always thought that I could identify with this issue, because as a "flaming" heterosexual, I have been tempted by my sexual nature, and I know how difficult it was to avoid succumbing, but this was my cross to bear. I believe that God allows each of us to carry our own cross, and I believe this is one of mine. Similarly, I believe that this is the same for anyone who is attracted to someone of the same sex. It is a difficult cross to bear, and if you bear it well, you used to be called a bachelor or a spinster, if you do not succumb or if you wish to succumb no more. However, now you are encouraged by our culture to pursue "who you really are" and "come out" to the world as a "gay" person. I would have wanted to pursue the conversation with this man to see if that were possible, but the call ended. I do know that consumating a sexual relationship with another person is a volitional act, it is not something you are helpless to resist. But, I was humbled by the depth of commitment this caller's uncompromising commitment to traditional (orthodox) faith. Now what, Dear Lord. Teach me more.


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