Be a Man, my Son.
Pardon the paraphrasing here, but what is man, that he has been made little lower than the angels? What is manliness? What might restored virtue look like? What purpose could valor serve in the 21st Century? Where does God want men today? Who are we to be? What are we to do? How can men find meaning and purpose, acceptance and approval, validation as men? Did God make a mistake, putting wildness in our hearts? God’s glory is man fully alive and man can only be fully alive in Christ!
When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I acted like a child. Then I saw through a glass, darkly. Now face to face. I move daily toward a reflection of what Christ wants from me. The face is not mine, it’s His. He wants it all. My attempts to give 110% in sports performance in my youth made no sense for personal or team pride, but they now make sense in Christ. Through Him, I was made to do great deeds. Now the superhero cape I improvised as a four-year old, the Hoppalong Cassidy pearl handled revolvers and holster and white hat make sense. I understand the ecstasy of tackling and blocking with complete abandon. If I do what it is possible for me to do, I lose the transformation. I am weak. If I do what it is possible for God to do, I get it. If I want my life, I must give it all up until it is no longer me but Christ living in me. I am born to transcend my narrow, puny existence. As a man, I am weak. As a man of God, I wear His strength. My life is significant. Fully trusting and dwelling in Christ, I am alive in Him. I have His approval. I press on toward the goal, which again is Him. Christ above me, Christ below me, Christ on my left, Christ on my right, Christ within me.
Back to our Ultimate Fighting Championship. What pressure are these young men under? They are under the pressure of God’s purpose. They are pressured by His Holy Spirit to reach their potential, but they don’t know what he wants them to do. Their fathers didn’t tell them. Their coach didn’t tell them, either. They feel their way in the direction of greatness, but they need help to get there. The Good News must come to them in a timely manner or they will lose the path or worse; they will lose heart. The work of evangelism to men is very important. It is a return to virtue for us all, a return to valor, a return to courage and to selflessness. It will recover chivalry. It is important work. We must give it a very high priority, so that the little boys with capes and high expectations will grow up to be the man that God created them to be, without tragic tears and bitter disappointment. Manhood and fatherhood are important callings. Men's lives are at stake. Learn to stand firm. Gird your loins. Let's go.
Pardon the paraphrasing here, but what is man, that he has been made little lower than the angels? What is manliness? What might restored virtue look like? What purpose could valor serve in the 21st Century? Where does God want men today? Who are we to be? What are we to do? How can men find meaning and purpose, acceptance and approval, validation as men? Did God make a mistake, putting wildness in our hearts? God’s glory is man fully alive and man can only be fully alive in Christ!
When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I acted like a child. Then I saw through a glass, darkly. Now face to face. I move daily toward a reflection of what Christ wants from me. The face is not mine, it’s His. He wants it all. My attempts to give 110% in sports performance in my youth made no sense for personal or team pride, but they now make sense in Christ. Through Him, I was made to do great deeds. Now the superhero cape I improvised as a four-year old, the Hoppalong Cassidy pearl handled revolvers and holster and white hat make sense. I understand the ecstasy of tackling and blocking with complete abandon. If I do what it is possible for me to do, I lose the transformation. I am weak. If I do what it is possible for God to do, I get it. If I want my life, I must give it all up until it is no longer me but Christ living in me. I am born to transcend my narrow, puny existence. As a man, I am weak. As a man of God, I wear His strength. My life is significant. Fully trusting and dwelling in Christ, I am alive in Him. I have His approval. I press on toward the goal, which again is Him. Christ above me, Christ below me, Christ on my left, Christ on my right, Christ within me.
Back to our Ultimate Fighting Championship. What pressure are these young men under? They are under the pressure of God’s purpose. They are pressured by His Holy Spirit to reach their potential, but they don’t know what he wants them to do. Their fathers didn’t tell them. Their coach didn’t tell them, either. They feel their way in the direction of greatness, but they need help to get there. The Good News must come to them in a timely manner or they will lose the path or worse; they will lose heart. The work of evangelism to men is very important. It is a return to virtue for us all, a return to valor, a return to courage and to selflessness. It will recover chivalry. It is important work. We must give it a very high priority, so that the little boys with capes and high expectations will grow up to be the man that God created them to be, without tragic tears and bitter disappointment. Manhood and fatherhood are important callings. Men's lives are at stake. Learn to stand firm. Gird your loins. Let's go.