The Cube and the Cathedral: Europe, America and Politics without God.
I just finished reading George Weigel's short book on the Europe problem. He considers it our problem, too, of course. Not just because of Iraq, but because of the trends which are completing there that are continuing here.
Europe has eighteen countries who are not replacing their population (2.1 children per woman); the demographic replacement rates are really startlingly low: 1.2 to 1.7. Why? Weigel believes that aggressive European secularism has left them bored about the future, uninvested in seeing it come to pass. They have no sense of self anymore. Each international political event shows this clearly, as they select away from any self-determination or hard choices, deferring to the Hague and the international tribunals to find a "truth" which they no longer believe exists. Since WWII it is obvious that they have not been able to identify "evil" in obvious places: they refused to criticize the Soviet states and were therefore shocked at the democratic reforms that came from Catholic-led solidarity, unexpectedly, to them, filled with intellectual and spiritual vigor which Europeans find distasteful.
Weigel's title comes from the construction of a huge, opulescent cube that has become the symbol of new Europe (La Arche). It is the boast of the architects that Notre Dame Cathedral can fit inside it. Weigel believes that this is a symbol of the intent, recently expressed in the process of creating a constitution, to revise history. The document is over four times longer than the U.S. Constitution. It presents European history without Christianity quite deliberately. It was and is the intention of the founders of unified Europe to erase Christianity from history, and in their constitutional rationale for the "values" of European culture, they have been successful. According to the approved constitution, Christianity added nothing to Europe and was not responsible for any aspect of the growth or extension of Eurpoean ideals into the world. Hmmm.
I also read a critique of Episcopal-Protestant mainline theology in a journal called First Things which was quite thought-provoking. The author, a seminary professor at Neo's old seminary who had spent ten years enmeshed in African-Anglican growth through spiritual strength, identifies a "common" new gospel which now dominates American churches, strangely avoiding crucial and essential elements of Christian doctrine by substituting radical tolerance and a bland "God is love" mono-theme. The parts de-emphasized by omission are "sin", atonement, redemption, God's wrath and retributive justice, and biblical authority.
Finally, I attended a family reunion in San Luis Obispo, California. Forty-two of my relatives from as far away as Lebanon and all over California came. The Condon/Deveney clan got along very well. I will have stories.
I just finished reading George Weigel's short book on the Europe problem. He considers it our problem, too, of course. Not just because of Iraq, but because of the trends which are completing there that are continuing here.
Europe has eighteen countries who are not replacing their population (2.1 children per woman); the demographic replacement rates are really startlingly low: 1.2 to 1.7. Why? Weigel believes that aggressive European secularism has left them bored about the future, uninvested in seeing it come to pass. They have no sense of self anymore. Each international political event shows this clearly, as they select away from any self-determination or hard choices, deferring to the Hague and the international tribunals to find a "truth" which they no longer believe exists. Since WWII it is obvious that they have not been able to identify "evil" in obvious places: they refused to criticize the Soviet states and were therefore shocked at the democratic reforms that came from Catholic-led solidarity, unexpectedly, to them, filled with intellectual and spiritual vigor which Europeans find distasteful.
Weigel's title comes from the construction of a huge, opulescent cube that has become the symbol of new Europe (La Arche). It is the boast of the architects that Notre Dame Cathedral can fit inside it. Weigel believes that this is a symbol of the intent, recently expressed in the process of creating a constitution, to revise history. The document is over four times longer than the U.S. Constitution. It presents European history without Christianity quite deliberately. It was and is the intention of the founders of unified Europe to erase Christianity from history, and in their constitutional rationale for the "values" of European culture, they have been successful. According to the approved constitution, Christianity added nothing to Europe and was not responsible for any aspect of the growth or extension of Eurpoean ideals into the world. Hmmm.
I also read a critique of Episcopal-Protestant mainline theology in a journal called First Things which was quite thought-provoking. The author, a seminary professor at Neo's old seminary who had spent ten years enmeshed in African-Anglican growth through spiritual strength, identifies a "common" new gospel which now dominates American churches, strangely avoiding crucial and essential elements of Christian doctrine by substituting radical tolerance and a bland "God is love" mono-theme. The parts de-emphasized by omission are "sin", atonement, redemption, God's wrath and retributive justice, and biblical authority.
Finally, I attended a family reunion in San Luis Obispo, California. Forty-two of my relatives from as far away as Lebanon and all over California came. The Condon/Deveney clan got along very well. I will have stories.
At 12:34 PM, August 02, 2005,
Dan Trabue said…
Bland "God is love" theme? Really?
At 2:18 PM, August 03, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Having worked in several European countries, I can personally attest to the European mindset as one of apathy and without real purpose. They worship their 6-8 weeks of vacation. Perhaps we could learn from that, but for them it seems to be all they have. Talking with Belgians, the French and Swiss and others, I am convinced that this emptiness comes from their God-shaped void. They are also a most difficult group (as a whole) to truly consider Christianity in their personal lives.
Enjoyed the San Luis Obispo reunion and meeting you and everyone.
At 12:57 AM, August 04, 2005,
Constantine said…
At 6:42 AM, August 04, 2005,
voixd'ange said…
"It was and is the intention of the founders of unified Europe to erase Christianity from history"
You mean kind of like the way our media, etc are doing here..? For example by painting the Civil Rights movement as a political movement led by an activist, when in reality it was a deeply spiritual Christian movement led by a minister who had no greater personal ambitions other than to pastor a local church? But the effects of that movement on our culture were too powerful for us to acknowledge that Christianity had anything to do with it. People might start to get ideas...
At 8:11 AM, August 04, 2005,
Unknown said…
Yeah, Angevoix, like that. Hi Dale. Your attention is lways an honor, Constantine. The signs of change toward secularism are rampant here. It is also left out of most stories that MLK was a Republican!, though I don't want to get political here prematurely.
At 8:47 AM, August 04, 2005,
voixd'ange said…
Republican or not MLK caught it for protesting the Vietnam war. (I'm trying to clean up my blog language.)
At 11:55 AM, August 04, 2005,
Dan Trabue said…
If I remember correctly, most blacks were of the Party of Lincoln until the Civil Rights era, when Republicans began to be less agreeable to the notion of equal rights for everyone.
"in 1948 the Democratic Party publicly declared its support for the civil rights movement. That was more than some white Southern Democrats could stomach, so they formed a "states rights" ticket that was appropriately labeled the Dixiecrats.
The Dixiecrats switched from the Democratic to the Republican Party to assist Barry Goldwater in his unsuccessful bid for the presidency against Lyndon Johnson..."
As I recall, the pre-'50s Republican party may have even had people I could vote for...
At 12:33 PM, August 04, 2005,
Unknown said…
Your history is close to right, Dan. I wasn't trying to hold up the Republicans, but to note the oft omitted party affiliation of MLK.
At 2:00 PM, August 04, 2005,
Dan Trabue said…
Duly noted.
Glad you had a grand family reunion.
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